Monthly Archives: September 2013

Zimbra 8 – Adjust max attachment size for email

This sets the maximum attachment size to 50 megabytes. Log into the shell account and type the following:

su zimbra
zmprov mcf zimbraMtaMaxMessageSize 50000000
zmprov mcf zimbraFileUploadMaxSize 50000000
zmprov mcf zimbraMailContentMaxSize 104857600
zmprov modifyConfig zimbraMtaMaxMessageSize 5048000
postfix reload

Then restart zimbra

zmcontrol restart

Trouble Shooting MS DTC [Distributed Transaction Coordinator]

Making sure ASP.NET applications communicating with SQL Server via MS DTC can be a pain. To configure MS DTC, run the command ‘dcomcnfg’ from Start Menu => Run.

Other useful links:

In case those sites disappear, here are the PDF copies. DTC_Windows_2003

Remember the NETBIOS names need to be reachable in order for MS DTC to work. To test, use the DTCPing tool. Which can be found here. This tests RPC connectivity between two machines.

You can also download the DTC tester tool, which makes an actual transaction via DTC. It can be found here: . As noted above, to add a DSN to the system, go to System => Adminstration => ODBC.