PostgreSQL: Notes about Quotes and Identifiers

Last night I was playing around with schemas and found some oddities with quotes. In version 8.0+, you can use ‘$$’ symbols to replace quotes. This gives the programmer some flexibility in terms of having to escape quotes within the text body. For example:

Raise Notice "See, no escaping required";
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

When creating tables, I noticed that defining a column name with quotes and without quotes results in two different column names.

Create Table QuotedColumn
“Id” Serial,
Primary Key(“Id”)

The following would throw an error because of missing quotes.

Create Table QuotedColumn
“Id” Serial,
Primary Key(Id)

I suggest dropping the quotes all together. To correct the error above, you would type:

Create Table UnQuotedColumn
Id Serial,
Primary Key(Id)

I also encountered a similar problem while implementing a schema. For this example, a table is being added to the schema, ‘test_schema’.

Create Schema “test_schema”;

Create Table “test_schema”.Customers
Id Serial,
Primary Key(Id)

When creating schemas using PgAdmin, quotes are automatically insert around the schema name. This results in having to use quotes to define the schema prefix each time a table within the schema is referenced. Try the following instead.

Create Schema test_schema;

Set search_path To test_schema;

Create Table Customers
Id Serial,
Primary Key(Id)

 In the above snippet, the schema,  ‘test_schema’, can now be referenced without quotes. Not only that, but I also set the schema for all code to automatically reference ‘test_schema’ by using the command ‘Set search_path To <schema name>;’.

If you would like more information on the topics discussed, please consult the following links:

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